Answered By: Brittany Fischer
Last Updated: Jun 11, 2021     Views: 71

The Bygdebok site allows users to search by different rural locations or by the last name of the landowner. For more information on Special Collections, see our page on the Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections


Common Bygdebok FAQs

1. Is it possible to request a bygdebok through ILL?  

Since our Arne G. Brekke Bygdebok Collection is located in the Department of Special Collections, it is not possible to loan out any of the bygdebøker. All materials in Special Collections are non-circulating, meaning that the resources must be used in the department and cannot be checked out. There are a few institutions that will loan out bygdebøker in their holdings. We can provide this information for specific books as needed. 
2. I see information about a particular bygdebok, but not the actual content of the book. Have these books been digitized?  
Publications, including bygdebøker, are subject to copyright laws. It is not possible to freely digitize the books and make the content available online. Research use is protected by copyright, so it is possible to reproduce specific content when requested by individuals. Significant portions or entire books must require permission of the publisher prior to digitization. In a few cases, Norwegian publishers have chosen to provide free, electronic access to contents of bygdebøker, but the vast majority of these books are only available in print versions outside of Norway. 
3. Can anybody visit Special Collections to use the bygdebok collection? 
Yes, our department is open to interested persons regardless of affiliation. 

4. It would be difficult for me to travel to Grand Forks. Is there another way to obtain information from bygdebøker in your collection?  
Yes, we offer a research service for those who cannot travel to Grand Forks. This service includes up to one hour of research time by Special Collections staff and up to 50 printed copies or scanned images of relevant materials. There is a $15.00 fee for this service, which is payable from an invoice that will be sent. Because of other important responsibilities, it is not possible for Special Collections staff to do in-depth research. 

5. I cannot read Norwegian. Do you provide translation assistance?  
No, we do not provide language translation as part of our services.